District Melchendorf – Erfurt-Southeast

Here you can find interesting information about the district Melchendorf. Discover cultural and social institutions, clubs, kindergartens, and schools available in your area, or find out where to locate the nearest contact person for your housing cooperative.

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Stadtteil Melchendorf (Stadt Erfurt)

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Population: 10.759

Average age: 47,0 years

Households: 5.985 (as of 2018)

Area: 565 hectares

Source: Landeshauptstadt Erfurt – District Melchendorf (Status 12/31/2023)

Motorsports: MC „Venedig“ Erfurt e.V., Am Waldspielplatz 3, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Theatre: ABC-Theater Erfurt, Heckenrosenweg 9, 99097 Erfurt, www.abc-theater.com

Catholic Daycare: „St. Nikolaus“ – Katholische Kindertageseinrichtung, An der Waidwäsche 4, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Daycare: Kindertagesstätte Bunte Knöpfe, Ernst-Haeckel-Straße 17/18, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Daycare: Kindergarten Zwergenland, Max-Steenbeck-Straße 26, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Daycare: AWO Integrative Kita „Buchenberg“, Unter der Warthe 4, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Daycare: Haus der kleinen Leute e.V., Curiestraße 24, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Daycare: Kindertagesstätte der Ev. Kirchengemeinde Erfurt-Südost, Curiestraße 26, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Primary School: Grundschule 3 – Am kleinen Herrenberg, Scharnhorststraße 41, 99099 Erfurt, Website

Primary School: Astrid-Lindgren-Schule Erfurt, Curiestraße 29, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Primary School (Montessori): Montessori-Integrationsschule des Aktion Sonnenschein e.V., Paulinzellerweg 12, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Secondary School: Staatliches Gymnasium 10, Scharnhorststraße 43, 99099 Erfurt, Website

Primary and Secondary School (Montessori) Aktiv-Schule Erfurt, Schnellrodaer Weg 4, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Special Education School: Staatlich regionales Förderzentrum – Waidschule am Muldenweg, Muldenweg 10, 99099 Erfurt, Website

District mayoress Anne-Kathrin Wolff-Hölbe: Haarbergstraße 6, 99097 Erfurt, Website

District council: Haarbergstraße 6, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Catholic Church St. Nikolaus: Schulzenweg 7, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Assisted Living and Addiction Support: Caritas – Ambulant Betreutes Wohnen und Suchthilfezentrum S13, Schulzenweg 13, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Youth Centre: Kinder- und Jugendhaus am Drosselberg, Am Drosselberg 24, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Youth and Family Centre: Jumpers Kinder- und Familienzentrum, Ernst-Haeckel-Straße 15, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Family Centre: Familienzentrum Family-Club, Am Drosselberg 26, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Family Associtaion: Deutscher Familienverband, LV Thüringen e.V., Ernst-Haeckel-Straße 17/18, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Hospice: Stationäres Hospiz „St. Martin“ Erfurt, Am Buchenberg 20, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Dog Sports Club: Hundesportverein SV OG Erfurt e.V., Egstedter Trift, 99097 Erfurt, Website

Tradition: Traditionsverein Melchendorf e.V., Schulzenweg 28, 99097 Erfurt, Website

TAG Wohnen & Service GmbH: www.tag-wohnen.de/erfurt

Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft Einheit eG: VorOrt Büro, Am Drosselberg 52, 99097 Erfurt, www.wbg-einheit.de

Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft „Gut Heim“ eG: Heckenrosenweg 2, 99097 Erfurt, www.wbg-gutheim.de

The tram lines 2 and 3 heading towards Urbicher Kreuz and Wiesenhügel conveniently take you to the district (stops: Sozialversicherungszentrum, Blücherstraße, Abzweig Wiesenhügel, Melchendorf, Melchendorfer Markt, Drosselberg und Katholisches Krankenhaus).

You can find the schedules for the tram and bus here EVAG Erfurt Timetables.

Further information can be found on the EVAG Erfurt website at www.evag-erfurt.de.

Almost all of the streets in Drosselberg were named after famous physicists, such as Albert Einstein and Max Planck. Curiestraße is named in honor of the physicist couple Marie and Pierre Curie.

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