District Wiesenhügel – Erfurt-Southeast
Here you can find interesting information about the district Wiesenhügel. Discover cultural and social institutions, clubs, kindergartens, and schools available in your area, or find out where to locate the nearest contact person for your housing cooperative.
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Numbers and Facts
Population: 5.451
Average age: 46,5 years
Households: 3.253 (as of 2018)
Area: 45 hectares
Source: Landeshauptstadt Erfurt – District Wiesenhügel (Status 12/31/2023)
Judo: Erfurter Judo-Club e.V., In der Lutsche 10, 99097 Erfurt, Website
Daycare and Schools
Daycare: Augusta-Viktoria-Stift – Evangelischer Waldkindergarten, Haselnussweg 16, 99097 Erfurt, Website
Daycare: Kindergarten „Am Wiesenhügel“, Hagebuttenweg 47a, 99097 Erfurt, Website
Daycare: Kindertageseinrichtung „Haselnußweg“, Haselnußweg 16, 99097 Erfurt, Telefon: 0361 / 655 3380, Website
Primary School: Staatliche Grundschule 34 – Grundschule am Wiesenhügel, Hermann-Brill-Straße 131, 99099 Erfurt, Website
Housing cooperatives
Wohnungsbau-Genossenschaft Erfurt eG: www.wbg-erfurt.de
Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft „Gut Heim“ eG: Heckenrosenweg 2, 99097 Erfurt, www.wbg-gutheim.de
Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft Einheit eG: VorOrt Büro, Seidelbastweg 44, 99097 Erfurt, www.wbg-einheit.de
Kommunale Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH Erfurt: www.kowo.de
Public Transport
The tram lines 2 and 3 heading towards Urbicher Kreuz and Wiesenhügel conveniently take you to the district (stops: Abzweig Wiesenhügel, Färberwaidweg und Wiesenhügel). Additionally, bus line 65 runs through the district (stops: Färberwaidweg, Muldenweg, Ligusterweg und Klettenweg).
You can find the schedules for the tram and bus here EVAG Erfurt Timetables.
Further information can be found on the EVAG Erfurt website at www.evag-erfurt.de.
On the northern slope of Wiesenhügel (Muldenweg, towards Blücherstraße), there is an ancient earthwork. This structure was likely created during the Bronze Age (around 1800 BC) and existed until the 10th century. It was used as a so-called refuge fort and might have served a protective function for the trade routes running through the valley.
The main road, Am Wiesenhügel, is 1.4 km long, and almost all the cross streets are named after plants, most of which can be found in the nearby Steigerwald. Färberwaidweg is named after the crop used to produce blue dye, which made Erfurt famous.
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Büro Quartiersmanagement – Soziale Stadt Erfurt Südost: Juri-Gagarin-Ring 160, 99084 Erfurt, Website
Youth Centre: Jugendhaus Wiesenhügel, Färberwaidweg 10, 99097 Erfurt, Website
Senior citizens‘ meeting place: AWO Begegnungsstätte „Heckenrose“, Heckenrosenweg 2, 99097 Erfurt, Website
Care Service: AWO Ambulanter Pflegedienst, Heckenrosenweg 2, 99097 Erfurt, Website
Assisted parent-child living: Betreutes Eltern-Kind-Wohnen Karuna, Färberwaidweg 1, 99097 Erfurt, Telefon: 0361-6603000, Website